Title: !!! (chk chk chk) - Strange Weather, isn't it
!!! recorded part of the new album in Berlin and were apparently heavily influenced by Brian Eno.
According to P4k, the band have also gone through a few lineup changes since their last album, 2007's Myth Takes. John Pugh, Justin Vandervolgen, and Tyler Pope have all left the band, which now consists of frontman Nic Offer, guitarist Mario Andreoni, horn player/keyboardist Daniel Gorman, and saxophonist/percussionist Allan Wilson. Vocalist Shannon Funchess (of Light Asylum) and drummer Paul Quattrone (of Modey Lemon) join the band on stage.
Here's the tracklist....
Strange Weather, Isn't It?:
- The Most Certain Sure
- Wannagain Wannagain
- Jamie, My Intentions Are Bass
- Steady as the Sidewalk Cracks
- Hollow
- Jump Back
- Even Judas Gave Jesus a Kiss
- The Hammer
Available: Yes
Format: MP3
Hosted on: Rapidshare, Megaupload and Mediafire